Understanding Horses Vision and Their Reaction to Solar Eclipses.

Known for their strength and grace, horses possess unique vision adaptations shaped by their evolutionary history as prey animals. Understanding how horses perceive the world around them, especially during unusual events like solar eclipses, can help equestrians ensure the well-being of their equine companions.

Horses have panoramic vision, allowing them to detect movement and threats from various angles—a survival trait inherited from their ancestors. However, their visual acuity for detail is lower compared to humans. Emily Bertrand, CEO of Royale Equestrian Centre in Barrhaven, sheds light on how horses react to sudden changes in lighting conditions, such as those caused by solar eclipses ."Horses are prey animals and they always have to be ready to run if there's something threatening, they are always scanning their environment for perceived threats" says Bertrand. "Horses see better in the dark than humans do. However it takes longer for their eyes to adjust. If we have a really bright sunny day and suddenly it gets dark, it's going to take longer for their eyes to adjust to that lighting change, and can take them up to 45 minutes full adjustment if they are going directly from a bright and sunny environment right into darkness."

Because of their nature to be scanning their environments which includes everything from beside their body though to the horizon., Horses won’t be looking into the sky or at the sun. So there is no risk or concern of damage to their eyes.

During a solar eclipse, when daylight rapidly diminishes, some horses may initially experience slight anxiety due to the abrupt alteration in their surroundings. The key is to be consistent in maintaining their regular routine. Horses are sensitive animals, and can really feed off the people and other horses around them. .Bertrand emphasizes the importance of closely monitoring horses during such events, prioritizing their comfort and well-being. "Of course, we're going to keep a really close eye on them because we love our horses and we're just going to try to make sure that they're happy, comfortable, and relaxed," she adds.

By understanding horses' unique visual capabilities and sensitivities, horse owners can foster a supportive and harmonious relationship with these incredible animals, even amidst celestial phenomena like solar eclipses.

Watch this video on CTV News about how Eclipse may impact animals and see some of your favourite horses from Royale Equestrian Centre making their cameo appearances!


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